Is a gentle nearly non-existent act of communicating.It catches attention to make sure we hear and understand. It obliges to focus and be more aware because it is so ethereal. It is, in fact, very strong.
Discarded, damaged, broken objects and porcelain.
I drill, stitch, staple. I mend and talk for the forgotten.
Repairing gives a metaphysical sense by repurposing and adding a different meaning to the notion of value. My mended pieces show their existentialism in a whisper of subtle layers and tones of mending.
This project is about using everything from Harakeke to fiber, from stone polishing to dust/pigment and from paper to pulp and vice versa: I will print with my stone pigment on handmade paper and stitch with Muka.
Porcelain shards, fossilized coral, Freshwater Pearls, faceted Yowah nut, Eucalyptus pod, Pandorea Jasminoide pod and seeds, antique hand embroidered by my grand-mother cotton little thing...
Initial concept of installation, objects and jewellery.